Sunday, May 16, 2010


Whew... What an experience! We had a great time in Ibiza and we're still recovering.

We arrived late in the evening on our first day so we had a quick dinner and went to bed. The next morning we woke up "early" for breakfast and were pleasantly surprised to find eggs and bacon at the hotel's buffet! After breakfast we laid by the pool then went to the beach. The water was an amazing aqua-blue color, but it was too cold to get in. While at the beach we ran into a couple guys selling passes to Pacha which is the ginormous nightclub here. It was 110€ for both us and included a 3-hour open bar all you can drink pre-party, bus ride to the club, entry to the club and one free drink at the club. It was a sick deal because it costs 35€ each to get into the club and drinks are around 18€ each. Ha! Ridiculous!

After the transaction we grabbed some fruity-ass drinks and lunch at te beach bar then went to the spa. The spa was nice. It had a large warm pool with all kinds of faucets that feel like a massage. There were several different showers and a sauna. After a while in there we went back to the beach and fell asleep for a bit. When we woke up we went back to the room and got ready for a quiet evening. We went to the western side of the island to enjoy the sunset with a pitcher of cava sangria and some nachos. (haha, yes, nachos!) After the sunset we went back to the hotel for dinner then hit the sack early.

The next day we got up early to catch the ferry to Formentera - a smaller island just south of Ibiza. Once there we rented a scooter and explored the island. It was my first time on a scooter and I was terrified, but it was a lot of fun! We found a nice quiet beach to lay on and relaxed before lunch. We got some delicious paella at a restaurant with an amazing view. Overall it was a good day-trip except that it kept raining off and on. We caught the ferry back to Ibiza and had just enough time for a quick nap before our night full of fun began.

After dinner at the hotel we headed to the pre-party location and started boozing. It was a chill place, and we liked that, and the people were cool. Around midnight we all hopped on buses and headed to Pacha. The music was loud and the place was gorgeous. We danced for a while and I got a nice bruise on my ass after falling on some stairs. Stairs in a nightclub = worst idea ever! Most of the night is a blur and around 3:30 we threw the towel in and headed back to the hotel.

We got a few hours of sleep before heading to the airport to go back to Barcelona. We did absolutely nothing yesterday, but we're feeling better today. Going out for brunch in a few minutes, then to the FC Barcelona futbol game tonight!

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