Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Final Days

The soccer match was awesome! Although Valladolid was no match for FC Barcelona. The fans are so passionate you can't help but cheer along with them. Barca won the game and clutched the Spanish championship. Needless to say the city was celebrating all night! We got some Chinese food for dinner and called it a night.

We woke at 4:30am yesterday to catch our flight back to Madrid. We were supposed to return home yesterday, but ended up staying another night because someone made a mistake *ahem* Tim! But it was a good last day. We stayed in a hotel close to the airport and laid around watching movies most of the day. In the evening we ventured into the city to visit some "old haunts" including a Museo del Jamon and then the Mercado de San Miguel for dinner and drinks. It was the perfect "last supper" and we finished it off with a hard cider at an Irish pub.

All-in-all a fantastic trip! I've got over 400 photos to sort through and I'll post the best on Facebook. Thanks for reading along. I hope you enjoyed yourself!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your stories here! I'm so glad I got to hear about your trip as it was happening and I'm SO HAPPY that you had such a great time! Have a safe trip home and I can't wait to see photos. I love you!

  2. welcome home! i wish i had gone to the ham museum!! mmm, ham!
